Today’s Darcy-Mutt’s birthday. I was going to sing Happy Birthday to her when another song came into my mind. As we enjoyed a cool morning walk, I actually sang it to her.
The song was especially written and exclusively performed by a gentleman names Charles Runyon. Somewhere I have tucked away the 45rpm recording and at this time I wish I could supply the music…but the words are what are important and I went over them several times during our morning walk. The record was played once every hour, yearly, on the Fourth Of July, on KMPC’s morning Dick Whittinghill’s Radio Show and sung live every year for the week prior to the Fourth on Mr. Runyon’s 8am daily television show. I remember cameras were not allowed close-ups when he sang the song as he would tear-up and he didn’t want to explain the tears to the children watching let alone those on stage. As soon as he finished the song the show would go to a commercial or directly to a cartoon. Here are the words to the song, only two are different than those on the recording…times and events changed.
“Happy Birthday to our country,
The United States Of America.
Let’s light a candle in every heart
For the greatest land of all.
Happy Birthday to our country
Hail to all the fifty states.
Let freedom ring as our voices sing
Happy Birthday to the U.S.A.”
As I put those words to paper, I have teared up a little as it brought back great memories and I vision the song being sung once more live by Chucko The Birthday Clown.
Have a joyous forth, one filled with peace and I hope the words express to you what is special about today.
For me they do, at least from where I sit.