The photo is of Eugene and yours truly. Like Prince William, Queen Elizabeth and President Kennedy he has a title attached to his name. The only difference is Eugene in the only person in the history of the entire world with this title…
His car arrived at my office around seven, it was a Monday night. He stepped out and the waiting crowd cheered. They were a mix of ages, but teens and twenties out-numbered the others. Cameras flashed…cell phones held high to forever capture the moment. He was gracious, signed autographs, poised for photos and answered numerous questions. It was easy to discern he was a true gentleman.
Later, during a scheduled Q&A, one pre-teen waving his hands got his attention and once acknowledged, he said… .“May I ask you a question?”. The response was affirmative. The kid stood and stared, he remained silent. Eugene asked, “What is your question?” The youngster looked around, everyone’s eyes were on him. “Would you please sign my book?” “Later” was the reply. Eugene started to take another question then stopped and eyed the kid again… “come over here” he exclaimed “let’s do it now.” With a huge smile he scurried to the podium. The two whispered between each other. The conversation was private and took a couple of minutes then the book was opened and much more than a signature was inscribed, a new and lasting memory had been created. Almost everyone attending at that point felt this guy was cool. There was loud applause as the young man, holding his treasure high, returned to his seat.
Eugene exclaimed later the future was in the hands of the young. He said he wished everyone in the world could sit and look to heaven. No lights, no moon, no sun, total darkness…he said then and only then one would realize our beautiful earth had to have a creator. He said it doesn’t matter what you call him He is God. Eugene’s personal feeling is there is life out there and maybe tomorrow or a hundred or a thousand years from now contact will occur.
Twice during the evening he expressed the importance of one’s dream. Eugene expressed that everyone has a dream for their future, goals. He uses himself as an example. “Establish your dream, your goals and then make them happen. If you don’t have the drive you will not meet your goal. Always remain determined, stay on course. Let nothing set you back. If you don’t try, nothing will be accomplished.”
He made one more comment… “The earth is the home to millions upon millions of people and they all have one thing in common. Not one, no-one, anywhere is like you…you are unique, you’re special and you can accomplish great things simply by trying.”
As we walked in near total darkness back to his car, I looked to the heavens, stars were twinkling and then I looked at Eugene I thought in those final minutes I was walking with history. This eighty-one year old, born in Chicago to a Slovak Father and a Czech mother was on the cover of every magazine in the entire world forty-five years ago. His story filled newspapers for days, radio and television stations begged for interviews. And here walking together I said my goodbye, may God Bless and thanked him for making today one of the greatest in my life. He looked at me put his hand out, we stopped, he looked into my eyes, then smiled and exclaimed I was mistaken. This humble man said he was the one that should be thanking me.
It’s now after two in the morning, Eugene is heading back to his home and family in Texas. I really can’t fall asleep I’m filled with memories that will never leave me. This historical gentleman said I was his friend and he appreciated our time together. As I write this I remember him commenting that we both tend to tear up if not cry when the National Anthem is heard…my new friend, Eugene, is super special From Where I Sit.
I didn’t forget, now is the time to introduce my new friend and his title…his name is Eugene but everyone call him Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon.