Anaheim, decades ago….It’s Sunday, 9:15am, I’m at work. My phone on the podium rings and the caller tells me she is an assistant to Dr. Schuller. She makes a brunch reservation for him and his family, a party of ten. I have a cove type area at the front door and we stanchion it off for his party.
He arrives, smiling, looking sharp in his beautifully tailored suit, thanks me for the reservation and then studies the area I plan to seat him. He points his family to the table and quietly tells me the area is perfect. The weekly requests began and were consistent in their arrival time. I also received courtesy calls on the Sundays he and guests would not be coming.
A couple of years later I get a call at my home. It sounded like the same voice and because I am so good at remembering names I had no idea who I was speaking with. “Dr. Schuller would like you to be his guest for the opening night of The Glory Of Christmas” she said. Without hesitation I said yes. Arriving at The Chrystal Cathedral to pick up my tickets I found a note attached. Please join us for a pre-show reception was the message and up the elevator to the office of Dr. Schuller my mother and I went. There were many there that I knew and the Sparkling Cider was freely poured. Finally someone asked that we all be seated and once that was done an announcement in a booming voice proclaimed “Ladies & Gentlemen, Dr. Robert Schuller.” He entered the room from behind his desk, sat down and perused the audience. He seemingly made eye contact with everyone in the room before he spoke. His first words… “I know who you are, you’re Jim, so glad you could come!” The next words heard broke the room from silence to loud laughter. The words were those of my mother… “Oh my God, he knows you!” She looked at me and even more loudly proclaimed “He knows you!”
About two years ago, as a Past Chapter President of the Orange County Knights Of Columbus, I was invited to help with the first official tour of the Chrystal Cathedral property for Orange Diocesan Priests. My job included escorting Bishop Brown into the property’s theatre. As I did no-one really noticed who I was with. His attire was casual, more a private sea captain then the Bishop of Orange. As he walked up the stairs to the stage one could hear the priests…”It’s the Bishop.”, “It’s Bishop Brown”. He warmly welcomed everyone and then said he would like us to welcome a special guest. He then stepped off the stage and there was silence. The curtains opened and seated stage left was Dr. Schuller. He looked over the crowd, smiled and began to rise from his chair. At that moment everyone was stunned. He looked ill, thin, frail. He walked slowly to the podium placed his hands on either side and welcomed everyone. He spoke softly as if searching for words. Then you could see him grip the podium and he leaned forward. He was now the man that began his career on the roof of a drive-in movie theatre. He was dynamic in his final words. He said he built the Crystal Cathedral as a gift to his God. He expressed his happiness that his treasure was now in the hands of those attending and he said he was sure it would be raised to even greater heights. He thanked everyone again and began back towards his chair. An aid rushed to him guiding him then helped seat him. The aid rushed off the stage and as the curtain closed Dr.Schuller observed a cheering, whistling, standing ovation. He was smiling, his eyes bright, nodding in acknowledgment.
When Dr.Schuller died…you had to be aware, it was headlines in newspapers everywhere. Radio and television saturated us with his life story. He was known all around the world. He changed the lives of thousands with his Hour Of Power television shows. He will be laid to rest in the cemetery he created on the grounds of the now Christ Cathedral. It has been administrated by the Bishop of Orange staff since day one. I’m bothered by what I haven’t heard, seen or read. Dr. Schuller left his life here on earth during the holiest week of the year. It was on Holy Thursday, two days prior to Passover and three days before Easter. I believe it is an interesting note, if fact I think it is very significant, at least from where I sit.